What the HOTEL offers = 118,00€ per participant
a premium location
stable gaming-tables
coffee, tea and biscuits in the banquet foyer
unlimited soft drinks
lunch between 12:00 and 14:00 at the restaurant (3-course lunch buffet with a soup of the day, Salad and starters, two main
courses to choose from, dessert and coffee, tea, table water)
WIFI access
What NewRecruit offers = 8,00€ per participant
Payment (only 0,75€ go to NewRecruit - the rest will cover the transaction-fees for the Stripe-payment)
List submission
Result submission
Rankings and player-profiles
What the TO offers = 24,00€ per participant
stable gaming tables
trophies for the podium, best painted and best game table
participation in our huge raffle
a Discord-server for communication & questions
competent referees
a well thought out rules pack
an experienced TO-team
play mats designed for GTC (the first 50% of players that fully paid for their event ticket are allowed to take one mat home with
Tournament Milestones:
80 participants: Tournament is confirmed.
120 participants: A photo wall will be set up.
140 participants: Imperial troops will greet players at the entrance.
160 participants: Each participant receives a special Star Wars Legion gift.
The Total (excluding overnight stay)
150,00€ per player / 126,00€ per
additional participant (guests)